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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2011 (19) arrow Tendencies in changing of indicators of morbidity in female population in the republic of Bashkortostan
Tendencies in changing of indicators of morbidity in female population in the republic of Bashkortostan Print
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Summary. Female state of health is one of acting factors in current demographic crisis in Russia. A study of rates of access to a doctor in female population in the Republic of Bashkortostan during 1998-2008 was conducted.

It was established that morbidity in young ladies of 15-17 yr of age was higher  than in their male coevals. Growth rates for primary morbidity in these young ladies were higher than for overall morbidity: 1.7-fold increase and 1.4-fold increase, accordingly. This implied a significant fall in their health state. Identified leading somatic pathologies in young ladies successively included respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, and urinary genital disturbances.

The long-term mean morbidity for urinary genital disturbances had been the third in this consequence for prevalence and the second for incidence. Weakening of population’s  reproductive health was propelled in particular  by the spread of gynecology diseases.

Incidence of salpingitis and ovaritis in young ladies population increased 1.7-fold, and of menstrual disturbances 1.5-fold, while in girls of 10-14 yr of age the latter increased 4-fold. In adult population, the incidence, as well as prevalence were most elevated (in succession) for erosion and ectopropion of the cervix, then for salpingitis and ovaritis, followed by menstrual disturbances.

Not only menstrual disturbances produced abrupt rise of morbidity (in certain population age groups), but also endometriosis that had enlarged futility tendencies.

Key words. Female population, morbidity, menstrual disturbances, endometriosis


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