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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2011 (19) arrow Analysis of the social-demographic factors impact on the popularity of deviant behaviour
Analysis of the social-demographic factors impact on the popularity of deviant behaviour Print
Saturday, 01 October 2011

Summary. The sociological research has been realized for revealing of target groups of the preventive work directed on decrease of prevalence of abusing by psychoactive substances. Anonymous sociological poll (distributing group questioning) of pupils of different types of educational institutions of three territories of the Perm Region (Perm, Krasnokamsk, Kudymkar), priority on level of prevalence of a narcotism and alcoholism, was spent. Besides, expert poll (the semiformalized personal interview) the experts competent of antinarcotic work problems in region has been realized. The narcoconsumption characteristic of region was carried out, the socially-demographic characteristic of groups, expedient for carrying out of preventive actions, the reasons (factors) of narcoconsumption in studied territories and in risk groups were established. The pupils are substantially involved in alcoholic consumption. Among all interrogated 88% tried alcohol at least once in their life. Thus, experience of the use of spirits substances have equally, both men, and women. The motivation of the first test of alcohol at teenagers is mainly connected with curiosity, idle interest to alcohol. It is revealed that parents provoke alcohol intake by the child, create conditions for the first test of alcohol. One of the factors of early alcoholic consumption is the availability of alcohol, in particular, in its presence of the house. The risk level of inclusion of teenagers in narcoconsumption processes is high. By results of research, experience of acquaintance to drugs have 14% of pupils. The number of the women trying drugs is only slightly more low than among men The structure of motivation of the first test of drugs in the teenage environment as a whole is similar to structure of motivation of the first test of alcohol – the leading reason is curiosity. The basic age of the first test of drugs is 14-16 years (70 % of all pupils having experience of acquaintance to narcotic substances, have tried for the first time them at this age). The system of counteraction to alcoholism and narcotism distribution is characterized by several problems. Recommendations about prevention of distribution of alcoholism and a narcotism system building in region are made.

Keywords. Socially-demographic factors, narcological frustration, deviant behaviour, sociological poll, risk groups. 


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