Summary. The aim of the study is to determine
peculiarities of health changes in population during the period of
transition from socio-economic crisis to the stage of economic recovery
and growth. The study is based on branch and state statistics about
morbidity, disability incidence and mortality of population in Russia
and its regions during 2000-2009.
The study showed that reduction of health losses became a stable trend
in the middle of current decade on the base of previous stabilization of
disability incidence and mortality. This evidences about fundamental
and not opportunistic trend formed by the influence of the whole complex
of medical, social and economic factors.
North-West and Central European regions of Russia remain unfavourable on
account of disability and mortality. High levels of health losses in
all age groups there are worsened by demographically old age structure
of population. On the other hand, favourable region brings together
regions with low health losses and/or young age structure of population
(capital cities and Far East territories). Regional distribution of
morbidity has its own specifics because structure of main causes of
morbidity essentially differs from the one for disability and mortality.
Cause structure of morbidity, disability and mortality is characterized
by substantial regional peculiarities. Maximum variance is
characteristic to socially determined causes whose rating could vary
from 1st to 6th place among 6 main causes
correspondingly. This reflects essential variety of population pathology
and conditions of its formation in different regions of Russia.
Rates of changes in morbidity, disability and mortality during years
2000-2009 are virtually not connected with their initial levels. Thus we
can’t expect any anticipating improvement of situation in unfavourable
territories and reduction of regional variance of health losses in
Key words. Population health. Morbidity. Disability incidence. Regional peculiarities. Territorial typology.
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