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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2011 (21) arrow Some peculiar features of providing medical care by medical stations at the railroads terminals; a prospective design of a study
Some peculiar features of providing medical care by medical stations at the railroads terminals; a prospective design of a study Print
Thursday, 19 January 2012

D.V. Samarin
Detached 1st May Clinic of Russian Railroads, Moscow

Summary. State Annual Report on health condition of population of the Russian Federation has an article entitled “Morbidity of Population”. It clearly indicates that the constant growth of incidence and prevalence of all itemed classes of diseases and along all age groups of patients has been taking place in recent years.

Railroads medical services comprise comprehensive medical care (protection of health+medical aid) for Railroads employees, as well as for all citizens who have entered into the temporary status when Railroads services are being provided (mainly envisaged are railroad passengers, of course).

Under present social economic circumstances of deficient financial resources accompanied by structural reorganization of railroad transport in Russia, a rather peculiar situation with medical services at this spot arises.

Development of social and medical insurance has also contributed to this peculiar situation. Thus, it is generally acknowledged that social and medical insurance has created such system of medical establishments’ funding for clearance of provided medical services that will inevitably bring about a genuine info-breakout in the system of public health, specifically in Railroads department of it. Introduction of this mandatory medical insurance made even more topical the task of creating a unified information system of public health. Only such system enables the proper evaluation of reality-based authentic expenditure for public health. This can in turn make this search for additional reserves of economizing on medical expenditure more fruitful and eventually bring about certain optimization of funding of public health.

This study was based on the analysis of number of accesses to physicians at selected branches of Moscow Railroads, namely: Riga, Kiev, Smolensk, and Savyolovo. The registry of noted disease events was meticulously classified along clusters of common conditions to establish the predominant ones with the aim of predicting nature and structure of morbidity along age groups. This forecasting could probably benefit to planning comprehensive measures for ameliorating organization and control in providing medical services to the population specified here.

These considerations of the population morbidity based on the data of accesses to medical stations at the Railway Terminals could be helpful for ameliorating organization and control in providing medical services to the population specified here.

Keywords. Medical care, railroad transport, medical station, age, morbidity.


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