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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2012 (23) arrow Evaluation of scientific and organizational foundations for improving radiologic diagnosis-making of malignant neoplasm of the organ of vision: experience of a constituent territory (Chelyabinsk region)
Evaluation of scientific and organizational foundations for improving radiologic diagnosis-making of malignant neoplasm of the organ of vision: experience of a constituent territory (Chelyabinsk region) Print
Tuesday, 20 March 2012

D.A. Vazhenina
Clinical oncologic outpatient facility of the Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk

Resume. The article is aimed to evaluate on a regional level the scientific and organizational foundations for improving X-ray diagnostics of malignant neoplasm of the organ of vision. The study was taken to be surveyed for this profile of oncology epidemiologic situation and for evaluation of organization of ophthalmology care was conducted in Chelyabinsk region. Informative value of major radiologic techniques for the diagnosis of malignant neoplasm of the organ of vision was assessed in this study. To this end, rates of discrepancy between ultrasonic and computer tomography diagnoses were estimated in the patients with thus established malignant neoplasm of the organ of vision of various localization.

The diagnoses were made in referral oncology centers, as well as in primary care medical establishments. Accuracy of oncologic ophthalmology diagnoses was comparatively assessed in primary and in tertiary centers. Primary and referral schemes of this medical care were evaluated for their efficiency.

Algorithms of clinical examination of such patients with the use of ultrasound and computer tomography records in patients with various localization of malignant neoplastic process were properly established to make the identification of ophthalmology malignant neoplasm just optional and standardized.

Regional oncologic ophthalmology center was meant to elevate the efficiency of referral diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients with aforementioned pathology. This study showed that the structure of oncology stages in the pool of registered patients with this pathology had improved with launching of this center. Evaluation of the scientific and organizational foundations for improving radiologic diagnosis of malignant neoplasm of the organ of vision in Chelyabinsk region has brought us a conclusion that organizational, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of management of malignant neoplasm of the organ of vision has significantly lagged behind the modern age requirements for diagnosis and treatment of oncology patients. Introduction of modern algorithms of diagnosis-making was hampered by certain discrepancy between ophthalmology and oncology facilities.

Keywords. State of health; optimization; medical care; malignant neoplasm of the organ of vision; radiologic diagnosis; oncologic ophthalmology.


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