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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2012 (23) arrow Informational resources on first aid in internet web-net
Informational resources on first aid in internet web-net Print
Tuesday, 20 March 2012

G.V.Neudakhin1, L.Yi.Dezhurny1, K.Yi.Lysenko2
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Major Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. Inventory of informational resources on first aid in Internet web-net was compiled for the aims of this study. The search was conducted in four most prominent and renowned systems of information retrieval: Yahoo, Google, Yandex, and Rambler. For the searching procedures in foreign web-sites, the following words and phrases were implemented: “first aid”, «resuscitation (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)», «basic life support», and «emergency care». For the searching procedures in Russian-language web-sites, the number of keywords was on a broader scale, just because “first aid” as the standard keyword implemented to this end has become a golden standard only until recently – i.e. since November 2009 (Federal Law No.267 from Nov.25: On amendments to legal foundations of the Russian Federation for health protection of individuals and to other legal acts) and for this reason quite a number of various alternative terms exist in printed and electronic publications implying in general just providing first medical aid to a victim on the scene of accident.

Most common were the following words and phrases: first aid, first medical aid, paramedical care, emergency care, self-aid, mutual aid, basic life support, providing first medical aid, training in first medical aid, gear and equipment for providing first aid.

This investigation into searching yield of necessary objective data on first aid in Russian-language sector of Internet revealed certain difficulties for this part. These difficulties were pre-determined by quite a row of reasons and circumstances, the most important was the lack of separate comprehensive site/sites containing complete information on all ( educational, legal, materiel, etc.) aspects of first aid.

A conclusion was made as to the strong need for creating domestic Russian-language site (portal) on the Internet to elucidate economic, legal, educational, materiel and other aspects of providing first aid.

It is implied that the largest possible number of participants of providing first aid should be involved in the targeted audience of such site/sites. To enhance the degree of objective contents of information to be presented, the emerging site must acquire official status and become an informational representative in the Internet web-net of some public board conducting normative legal regulation in the sphere of public health. Such arrangements could readily elevate information awareness of the very participants that provide first aid, and also might favor feedback processes for the electronic board to efficiently respond to observations and suggestions from the part of targeted audience, the endpoint being the elevated frequency and quality in providing first aid.

Keywords. First aid; Internet resources on first aid.



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Comments (1)
1. 21-10-2012 23:23
Îòëè÷íûé îáçîð. Íóæíî ó÷èòûâàòü, ÷òî â Ðîññèè ïåðâàÿ ïîìîùü íàõîäèòñÿ â çà÷àòî÷íîì ñîñòîÿíèè. Ìû îòñòàëè îò Åâðîïû ëåò íà 15.  
ß ñàì ÿâëÿþñü ìåæäóíàðîäíûì èíñòðóêòîðîì ïî ïåðâîé ïîìîùè. Ïðîâîæó êóðñû ïî îêàçàíèþ ïåðâîé ïîìîùè â Ìîñêâå. Ïðèõîäèòå. http://www.medhelp112.narod.ru/
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