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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2013 (31) arrow Russian Federation mandatory health insurance system - balance interest entities and participants
Russian Federation mandatory health insurance system - balance interest entities and participants Print
Monday, 08 July 2013

Summary. Authors of the article attempts to sum up the 20-year period of operation of the system of mandatory health insurance (MHI) of the Russian Federation. The last period analyzed from the perspective of all participants - government, insurers, health care organizations, insurers and insured. It is shown that, in its current form MHI system does not create conditions for the balance of the interests of its participants, and forms their deep antagonism that is the key reason for its poor performance. Out of this problem, the authors see in the interest of every member of the MHI system in improving the health of the nation - as the most important criterion of social, economic and political well-being of the country. The role and importance of each individual member of the MHI system in achieving this goal is far from equal.  It is proposed that firstly - to define the criteria for balancing the interests of each of the participants in the system, and secondly - to develop a system of indicators and performance parameters that characterize the degree of achievement of the criteria, and thirdly - to outline the mechanism of realization of tasks. The authors suggest that the criteria to balance the interests of participants and subjects of the MHI system can be for: the state - the positive dynamics of managed health indicators and the growth of the country's ranking on the results of a comprehensive evaluation of the WHO and the agency's financial and economic information Blumberg (Blumberg rating); insurers - reducing losses labor, by reducing the time and permanent disability due to the incidence of work and labor productivity growth; health care organizations - the growth of the prestige and attractiveness of health workers by increasing their wages, quality of care and increase public satisfaction with the health care; insured - increase public satisfaction with the availability and quality of care, reduction of wastage of time and cost the family budget on health care; the insurers - the growth indicators of financial security, technological and organizational availability of medical care. The system of indicators of evaluation parameters and implementation mechanism can be determined in the manner of scientific research.

Keywords: health care; mandatory health insurance; insurant; medical organization; insurer; the insured.


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Last Updated ( Monday, 08 July 2013 )
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