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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2013 (31) arrow Health centers for children: problems and perespectives
Health centers for children: problems and perespectives Print
Tuesday, 09 July 2013

A.A. Modestov 1, S.A. Kosova 1, Ju.S. Nevolin 2, A.Z. Farrakhov 3, S.A. Fedotkina 4
1 - Scientific Centre of Children Health under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow
2 - Health Centre for Children, Krasnoturyinsk city, Sverdlovsk region
3 - Ministry of Health, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan
4 - St. Petersburg Medical University, Medical College, St. Petersburg

Summary. The article summarizes results of the three-phase multicenter study implemented in 2011-2012. The first phase included analysis of a consolidated annual reporting form #68 "Health Center Performance Data". The analysis has the following findings: 1. Positive dynamics in utilization of Health centers in Russia has been identified implying increased prevention activities performed by child health primary care specialists and school medicine; 2. Genetic, behavior and metabolic risk factors of chronic non-communicable diseases have been found in 60% of children examined; 3. The Form #68 needs to be significantly updated as it lacks information required for all-Russia monitoring of child health; 4. As of today, Health Centers' procedures and standards of work with clients remain unspecified.

The second phase included a series of on-line surveys of 1010 parents through Internet to identify types of information about prevention and health promotion and methods of presenting this information. The survey was followed by a web-based conference that provided the following conclusions: 1. It is merging differences that is most challenging in on-line communication rather than developing an affinity group; 2. Moderator should focus on efforts that parents and/or the family have to undertake to achieve the desired results.

Survey of 143 primary care pediatricians showed that the pediatric community does not use new forms of communication through social networks, relying on traditional method of communication with patients and the family based on face-to-face contact and disease symptoms.

The third phase included SWOT-analysis of health centers' performance that defined high priority measures to ensure successful cooperation between centers both inside and outside health care system.

The study showed that health centers for children are a new technology in Russia aimed at early detection of children with a range of pre-nosological disorders in pediatric population and encouragement of enabling environment for effective prevention evolving the child, his/her family, health care providers and educators.

Keywords. Health center; children; primary prevention; healthy life, internet technology.



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