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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2013 (31) arrow An economic efficiency assessment technique of works on creation of information system of electronic health record
An economic efficiency assessment technique of works on creation of information system of electronic health record Print
Tuesday, 09 July 2013

Summary. The current state of the Russian healthcare is characterized by comprehensive modernization, including modernization of regional information health systems and development of the Uniform State Health Information System. The health information system is based on the following five main information resources: the reference information register, the register of medical personnel, the profile register of medical institutions, the register of the insured citizens and the integrated electronic health records (electronic health passports). Parameters characterizing quantitative characteristics of workplaces in various medical institutions have been used as indicators to evaluate programs focused on modernization of health information systems. Though such indicators determine scale of implementation, they do not reflect effectiveness of implementation of these systems nor their impact on quality improvement of medical care. In this article authors describe approaches to evaluate such effectiveness.

The article presents economic feasibility assessment of the development of the health records system (passports) under the Uniform State Health Information system.

The assessment is based on interrelations between the gross domestic product of the country and the number of the working population. The presented calculations show that even a small increase in the number of the working population produces such economic effect that not only covers costs associated with the development of this system; this effect is also comparable to governmental expenditures on developing health system as a whole.

The article also describes basic provisions of the method of evaluating effectiveness of the information system of health records (passports). The method can also be used to evaluate effectiveness of all components of the Uniform State Health Information system.    

Keywords: electronic health passport; economic effectiveness; information resource; uniform state health information system, health information system.


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