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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2014 (36) arrow General profile of human resources managers at regional healthcare authorities
General profile of human resources managers at regional healthcare authorities Print
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Yu.V. Miroshnikova
Institute of Advanced Training under the Federal Biomedical Agency, Moscow 

Abstract. Background. In the context of ongoing changes in healthcare the focus on human development and design of modern human resources management techniques becomes prerequisites for success.

Special responsibility for personnel policy is vested in human resources heads under regional healthcare departments. Their competence, leadership skills, command of modern technologies in human resources management determine performance and quality of work of medical staff, professional potential and ethical advancement of stall, and climate in medical institutions.

Therefore, improved competences and skills of human resources specialists in personnel management with due regard to their medical, social and psychological peculiarities become crucial.

The aim of the study was to analyze professional and personal characteristics of human recourses heads under regional healthcare authorities as well as problems related to organization of their work and level of their professional qualifications in order to develop suggestions on improving the use of workforce capacity and human resources development of this sector.

Objectives of the study included the following: a) to review situation with medical executive staff in the Russian regions; b) to identify main problems related to human resources; c) to assess development of regional human resources; d) to evaluate personal, professional, qualification and work-related characteristics of human resources heads including their material security, health status and adherence to healthy life style.

Methods included a questionnaire survey of human resources heads in 37 (44.6%) Russian regions to identify main problems and ways forward.

Results. Human resources heads need to improve their professional knowledge. The most needed types of knowledge included new human resources technologies, healthcare economics and financing, labour sociology and psychology. The most required skills included skills in applying social-psychological methods of management, planning human resources development, analyzing and assessing performance of human resources departments; less required skills included work incentives, conflict management, staff recruitment, and assessment of working conditions.

Keywords: head of regional human resources department; human resources management; personnel department; professional and personal characteristics of heads of regional human resources departments; scope of work of heads of human resources departments.


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