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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2014 (36) arrow Problems of innovation-oriented development of the healthcare sector
Problems of innovation-oriented development of the healthcare sector Print
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

E.V. Rozhkova
Ulyanovsk State University

Summary: Widely used in recent years concepts of "knowledge economy" and "innovative economy" mean that the large-scale use of new knowledge in practice is the leading growth factor in this economy. This issue is of particular relevance to the health sector, as one of the most widespread and socially significant sectors of the economy.

Increased competition as a characteristic of the emerging market of medical services in Russia, is a significant incentive to changes in the management of medical institutions, aimed at developing new methods and forms of work organizations, adjusting relations to the changing external environment, and designing and implementing innovative health services.

Therefore, development of evidence-based approaches to manage innovative development of medical institutions is required; this is the subject of the study.

In this context, the aim of this study was to identify problems of innovation-oriented development in the health sector. Methods included objective observation and comparison, peer reviews, and statistical analysis.

Conclusions of the study include the following: main problems related to the innovation-oriented development of the health sector are: low ability of health organizations to implement innovative health services; insufficient communication with stakeholders of innovation infrastructure; limited methodology for quality assessment of services provided; lack of monitoring of the innovative capacity of health care organizations and effect of innovative services implementation.

Scope of application: these conclusions should be taken into account while elaborating and implementing decisions on development of medical organizations and healthcare in general.

Keywords: Innovative medical service; innovation-oriented development of health; problems of innovative development of medical organizations.



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