I.S. Tsybulskaya, V.B. Tsybulskiy, Leonov S.A., Nizamova E.R.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract. The article is devoted to one of the most
urgent problems in Russia nowadays – life and health of rural population
and quality of rural medical care.
The aim of the study was to determine peculiarities of
morbidity, disability and mortality among urban and rural children
through statistical analysis and sociological survey; to identify
bottlenecks and to define ways to improve life support for the rural
dwellers as well as rural health care delivery.
The study revealed higher morbidity among urban children and higher disability and mortality from suisides among rural children.
Most severe, systemic, degenerate and hereditary diseases prevail
among rural children. During social crisis health disorders are more
pronounced among rural children compared to urban children showing
higher sensitivity and lower ontogenetic adaptation among rural
The situation is further complicated by high alcohol consumption
among the rural population of active reproductive age (including women)
and low quality of pediatric health care that is manifested in late
diagnostics of disabling diseases.
The recent years have witnessed a relative improvement in health
indicators among urban children and a certain decline in health
indicators among rural children. The situation can be accounted for by
insufficient measures aimed at improving living conditions of the rural
population, inadequate financing of the rural healthcare and, to some
extent, by certain measures implemented within the rural healthcare
system due to economic interests.
Conclusions. The study results show that measures aimed
at improving living conditions of the rural population are insufficient
and call for the government, society and citizens to take efforts to
reverse the situation.
Keywords: children population; morbidity among urban
and rural children; disability among urban and rural children; suiside
mortality in children; ontogenetic adaptation; age-specific and gender
alcohol consumption; quality of diagnostics.
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