V.I. Seryogin
I.P. Pavlov State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ryazan
Abstract. The aim of the study is to estimate
prevalence of behavioural risk factors for development of
noncommunicable diseases in adults constituting the catchment area of
adult polyclinics in Ryazan with the aim of setting priorities for
Methods and data. The study used the specially designed
questionnaire in line with the methodological guidelines. Sample of
1844 respondents is representative in terms of demographic
characteristics (gender, age and catchment area of a particular
Results. Average prevalence of tobacco smoking among
respondents was 29.0% including 58.1% in males and 15.0% in females. The
majority of smokers were characterized by high addiction to nicotine
with 29.0% of female respondents and 43.7% of male respondents being not
motivated to stop smoking.
Analysis of daily consumption of fruit and vegetables showed that
nutrition patterns remain mostly irrational: only 12.8% of respondents
mentioned sufficient daily consumption of fruit and vegetables; 87.4% of
women and 86.79% of men reported insufficient daily intake of fruit and
Body weight is the cumulative indicator of adequate nutrition and
physical activity: 57.3% of males and 62.6% of females need medical
consultation for overweight or obesity.
The study also revealed that 11.15% of females and 8.5% of males
spend less than 20 minutes per day walking. A special emphasis should be
placed on the fact that physical activity reduces with age regardless
of gender – respondent over 30 years lack physical activity and mainly
stick to a sedentary lifestyle.
Conclusions. The study showed that the following
priorities for prevention should be introduced into routine practice of
primary health care facilities at the regional level: focus on
population under 30 years with due regard to age and sex peculiarities
of risk factors; public awareness about medical care aimed at modifying
lifestyle and motivating for healthy lifestyle as well as development of
responsible attitude to health and universal preventive environment
within the entire region.
Keywords. Disease prevalence; noncommunicable diseases;
factors related to lifestyle; prevention of noncommunicable diseases in
primary health care.
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