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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2014 (38) arrow Regular medical examination of adults in the Russian Federation: first year implementation: lessons learnt, results and perspectives
Regular medical examination of adults in the Russian Federation: first year implementation: lessons learnt, results and perspectives Print
Thursday, 28 August 2014

T.V. Yakovleva1, S.V. Vylegzhanin1, S.A. Boitsov2, A.M. Kalinina2, P.V Ipatov2
1Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2National Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract. The aim of the article is to present results of the first year implementation of the Order N1006n on regular medical examination of certain groups of adult population issued by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on December, 3d, 2012.

Methods. A special web-site (profmed.rosminzdrav.ru) was developed to collect data on regular medical examination. Constituent entities of the Russian Federation sent their completed statistical form 131/o to this web-site on a monthly basis (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 382n as of 21.06.13). A process to monitor volumes and completeness of examinations, pathologies detected and further treatment was established along with the process to monitor satisfaction of people with organization and results of regular medical examination.

Results. In 2013, 20.5 millions of people underwent regular medical examination.

Annual targets were fully achieved in 25 regions, and achieved by 90% in 24 regions and by 64% - in 39 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The main reason for not achieving 100% was inefficient use of departments / offices of medical prevention.

Survey of people that undergo regular medical examination (613,501 patients) in different regions of the country showed that the majority of them (57.1%) were invited for examination by medical staff, 36.1% learnt about regular medical examination during their visit to a health care facility.

To undergo a complete examination the majority of patients had to visit the medical facility twice (67.6%) or even three times (28.9%).

The analysis showed that employers are not active enough in encouraging and enabling their employees to undergo medical examination.

The analysis of results showed that 1st health group was established in 32.8% of patients, 2nd health group – in 23.1%, and 3rd – in 43.7%.

Regular medical examination demonstrated its high diagnostic value in comparison with disease detection during outpatient visits, this is especially relevant to diseases of the circulatory system (detection is 3.2 times higher), to endocrine and metabolic diseases (by 4.5 times) including diabetes mellitus (by 2.6 times).

The analysis showed insufficient coverage of population with in-depth prevention counseling (38.3% of the targets) and with taking on a follow-up both the ill and patients with high risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The article defined key methodological and organizational objectives that require immediate decisions to improve quality of regular medical examination and actual achievement of its targets.

Keywords: prevention; regular medical examination; preventive medical check-ups; screening; diagnostic value; chronic noncommunicable diseases; risk factors; prevention counseling; primary care physicians.


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