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¹4 2014 (38)
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Date Item Title Author Hits
Thursday, 28 August 2014 "HEALTH - 2020" achieving health and development in today’s Europe Jakab Zsuzsanna, Tsouros Agis D. 20967
Thursday, 28 August 2014 Regular medical examination of adults in the Russian Federation: first year implementation: lessons learnt, results and perspectives T.V. Yakovleva, S.V. Vylegzhanin, S.A. Boitsov, A.M. Kalinina, P.V Ipatov 31728
Monday, 01 September 2014 Geographical availability of cardiology care to patients after surgical treatment of congenital heart disorders L.A. Bockeriya, E.B. Milievskaya, S.M. Krupyanko. O.A. Manerova 19344
Monday, 01 September 2014 Modification of underlying cause of death from diseases of the circulatory system T.P. Sabgayda, V.G. Semyonova, A.E. Ivanova, Ye.M. Sekrieru, S.Yu. Nikitina 22699
Monday, 01 September 2014 Organizing medical care in the modern context in terms of health of medical personnel Trifonova N. Yu., Petrosov S.N., Solov’ev V.V. 19654
Monday, 01 September 2014 Risks assotiated with integration of federal health insitutions and medical science into the system of compulsory health insurance V.I. Perkhov, D.S. Yankevich, R.V. Stebunova, Yu.Yu. Yurkin 19756
Monday, 01 September 2014 Risk control over chronic noncommunicable diseases based on insurance risk-management M.V. Avdeeva, Yu.V. Lobzin, V.S. Luchkevich 20788
Monday, 01 September 2014 Marketing analysis of community need in biosocial and information technologies in the context of therapeutic resort S.V. Korolev 18760
Monday, 01 September 2014 Customer resource of quality of medical services for secondary prevention of somatic disorders that are risk factors of male reproductive disorder Vasilyeva T.P., Ratmanov M.A., Pesikin O.N., Kachkovski D.L., Vasilyev M.D., Utkin E.Yu. 18428
Monday, 01 September 2014 Professional associations in health care: presentation on the internet I.B. Nazarova 21043
Monday, 01 September 2014 Lithuanian paradox as a problem of influenza and acute respiratory infection epidemiology: on the basis of statistical reporting of the soviet period S.V. Kondrichin 20555
Monday, 01 September 2014 Psychoactive substance use among adolescents in the baltic region. Russian study component A.Yu. Abramov, M.M. Lisitsyna 19721
Monday, 01 September 2014 Needs analysis for continuous professional education of dental care specialists in Moscow city and Moscow region and development of a perspective plan of continuous professional education À.À. Àëåéíèêîâ 18617
Monday, 01 September 2014 State and professional medical organizations: who can really ensure professional development of doctors in Russia? A.E. Chirikova, E.A. Tarasenko 20621
Monday, 01 September 2014 Preventable health loss in traumatic brain injury in children: assessment and ways to reduce Sharova EA 18138
Monday, 01 September 2014 Medical and social consequences of injury at the turn of the century S.A. Shchetinin 20831
Monday, 01 September 2014 Irrecoverable population loss in Russia due to drug use, 2000-2011 Mikhaylov A.Yu., Abramov A.Yu., Semyonova V.G., Nikitina S.Yu., Sabgayda T.P., Gavrilova N.S. 18540
Monday, 01 September 2014 Factors of mortality from external causes and ways to reduce it: experience of the expert interview V.V. Yumaguzin, M.V. Vinnik 26575
Monday, 01 September 2014 Reproductive loss and ways to reduce it in the region (exemplified by the Udmurtian Republic) N.N. Bushmelåva 20168
Monday, 01 September 2014 Discrimination of the older age groups of population in terms of medical care and social security: empirical analysis Gorelik S.G., Kolpina L.V. 21498
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