T.P. Sabgayda1, V.G. Semyonova1, A.E. Ivanova1, Ye.M. Sekrieru1, S.Yu. Nikitina2
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and
Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian
Federation, Moscow
2Federal State Statistics Service, Moscow, Russia
Abstract. Meeting the global objective of reducing
mortality from diseases of the circulatory system presupposes that
mortality statistics is reliable. This determines the relevance of this
work which aims at improving quality of coding of death causes.
The aim of the study: To analyze compliance with rules of modifications of underlying death cause from diseases of the circulatory system.
Methods. We analyzed compliance with the rules of
modification of the underlying cause of death form diseases of the
circulatory system in the death register for 2011. Only data from the
impersonalized death register which describes the lethal process using
the three death codes was accepted.
Results. The study showed that in cases when one of the
fields of the section 19 malignant tumors, diabetes or asthma (which
suggests a check for potential modification of the underline death
cause), the share of incorrect death codes equals to 56.4% and the share
of potentially incorrect death codes adds up to 24.3%. In case of death
diagnoses to be checked for causal relationships with other diseases,
the share of incorrect death codes equals to 7.9%. In total, 2.0% death
cases from diseases of the circulatory system should be coded as others
classes of causes.
Conclusions. Non-compliance with rules of modification
of death causes leads to overdiagnosis of mortality from diseases of the
circulatory system. Doctors have poor skills coding death causes. It is
proposed to resume the previous practice, when medical statistic
specialists coded death causes based on medical records taking into
account all rules of coding.
Keywords. Quality of coding causes of death;
ICD-X; mortality statistic; quality control of coding causes of death;
underlying cause of death; coding; death certificates; selection of
underlying cause of death; accuracy of death cause diagnosis
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