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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2014 (38) arrow Professional associations in health care: presentation on the internet
Professional associations in health care: presentation on the internet Print
Monday, 01 September 2014

I.B. Nazarova
Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow

Abstract. A significant number of professional associations in Russia operate in the field of health care delivery (medical services) and health protection. The activities and functions of such organizations and professionals in the associations are understudied.

Aim. The research aim was to analyze information that professional associations provide about themselves and information about professional associations in the public access and to identify major types of activities, functions, associations and professionals within the professional organizations.

Methods and data. Content analysis method was used in the research. Self-presentations of professional associations in healthcare and care delivery posted on the Internet were analyzed.

Results. Besides the basic functions inherent to professional organizations, i.e.: unity, communication, knowledge creation – there are other functions that depend not only on the membership of a professional association as such, but also on the status of the organization – issues related to professional development within a particular specialty or the profession in general. Organizations make priorities for each type of activity: professional development, expertise, education and protection of rights of colleagues and/or patients, commerce, integration into society and public life at various levels.

United professionals carry out a social mission - work for the good of the society – organization and implementation of social activities. They participate in the territory development at different levels, creating infrastructure: promoting development of practical organizations, expanding technological infrastructure of organizations that provide medical care to the catchment area. United professionals initiate activities and participate in them in order to improve management of healthcare system and development of specialized care (including elaboration and discussion of the legislation).

Professional associations create a unique communication environment, which includes all-level professionals, among them future professionals – students. A professional association is not limited to the interaction of its peers only; it is also interested to extend boundaries to all stakeholders, who are keen on further development of the profession. The professional association provides for the environment of knowledge exchange, ideas for further development of the profession, cooperation and organizational unity. However, there is no common positive attitude of professionals towards the processes of uniting into an integrated community on the basis of self-organization.

Scope of application. Information in this article can be used in practical activities of associations, development of trainings on healthcare organization and management as well as expertise learning of the profession.

Keywords. Medicine, health care, professionals, professional associations, self-management.


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