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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2014 (38) arrow Medical and social consequences of injury at the turn of the century
Medical and social consequences of injury at the turn of the century Print
Monday, 01 September 2014

S.A. Shchetinin
City clinical hospital #59, Moscow

Abstract. Background. High prevalence of injury and its severe medical, social and economic consequences make this problem highly relevant. Deteriorated social and economic conditions and environmental situation, interregional conflicts, wide possession of weapons among public at large, rise in crime and in the number of traffic and work accidents resulted in the fact that nowadays injuries account for the leading share in the structure of morbidity, disability and mortality of the population. Injuries not only make people suffer. They rather limit functionality of the injured that corresponds to their sex, age, social status and cultural needs.

Injuries account for heavy social and economic loss due to reduced working life expectancy and decreased performance.

The aim of the study was to evaluate peculiar features of the Russian regions with respect to the injury rates and consequences as a framework for developing specialty care activities and rehabilitation of patients with injuries.

Objectives of the study included the following: a) to identify the injury cause and source with due regard to the age and regional specifics; b) to identify patterns and peculiar features of injury as the death cause with due regard to the age and regional specifics.

Results. The study showed that the regional peculiar features of the rates, duration and outcomes of admissions due to injuries are hardly interrelated; factors that determine those parameters are mainly characteristic of pediatric and adult populations. The findings indicate poor balance between service development and availability of reservoirs for improved performance even in the secured regions (exemplified by Moscow)

Practical implications. Regional strategies aimed at reduced loss due to injuries are multilevel in nature and will manifest in further adapting reforms of the inpatient injury care to the needs of the pediatric and adult population.

Keywords: injury; injury patterns; hospital admission; reforms


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