Dezhurny L. I.1, Neudakhin G.V.1, Yurasova E.D.2,Luigi Migliorini2, Shmitkova T.I.3
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 World Health Organization country office of the Russian Federation, Moscow
3 Healthcare Department of the Lipetsk region, Lipetsk
Contacts: Leonid Dezhurny, e-mail:
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Abstract. In the Russian Federation, like all over the
world, the road crash mortality and trauma have become a serious public
health problem. In case a victim was injured, it is possible to reduce
its impact by provision of rapid and effective first aid and emergency
medical care before admission.
The regular meeting of the Advisory Board for the World Health
Organization Project on Road Safety in 10 Countries (RS-10) hosted by
the Russian Federation made a decision to explore potential impact of
post-crash first aid provision.
The purpose of the study was to identify among the
injured in road accidents in the Lipetsk region the category of people
whose lives could potentially be saved by timely first aid.
The subject of a study was "Acts of forensic medical examination of the corpse" (medicolegal reports).
The study was implemented in two stages.
At the first stage victim’s survival chances were assessed. The
results were studied by two methods: score evaluation of trauma severity
of the road traffic injury and expert evaluation of trauma severity of
the road traffic injury and assessments of chances to save life.
At the second stage of the study injury severity scores (scales
AIS-90\ISS) and expert evaluation were compared. According to the
forensic medical examination protocols, there was no evidence of first
aid provided to the road crash victims documented. However, almost half
of victims had a chance for survival in case of timely first aid. This
finding demonstrates that first aid must be provided on the scene of the
road accident.
Conclusion. To reduce road crash mortality and trauma,
the system of post-crash management of road traffic injury victims in
the Lipetsk region should be further improved including activities aimed
at increasing frequency and quality of first aim provided by drivers,
staff of services responsible for first aid provision according to law
regulations, special rules etc.
Key words: first aid; mortality; road traffic accident; emergency medical care.
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