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Tuesday, 01 November 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-51-5-3

Vorobyev R.V., Korotkova A.V.
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Contacts: Ruslan V. Vorobyev, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Global trends in population aging pose a significant health, social and economic challenge that is equally relevant for both countries in the WHO European region and the Russian Federation. In terms of the World Health Organization (WHO), the concept of healthy ageing suggests development of age-friendly environments for maximum individual and functional support of the older people. Implementation of this concept requires comprehensive solutions.

The purpose of this work was to highlight causes, trends and forecast of demographic ageing of the population in the WHO European region and the Russian Federation, as well as to present an overview of key aspects of the modern healthy ageing concept. With this purpose in view, the authors analyzed relevant Russian and international publications, documents of international and European organizations. Based on the analysis the authors evaluated modern demographic situation in the WHO European region and the Russian Federation and provided background in the concept development as well as outlined strategic directions and policy principles aimed at implementing healthy ageing.

Priority activities include alignment of health systems to the needs of older populations; development of sustainable and equitable systems of long-term care, development of age-friendly environments, and improved measurement and monitoring.

The document emphasizes the call for action by many sectors and all levels of management. Since population aging is relevant not to the European Region, the described approaches towards developing age-friendly environments to support the older people can be applicable to the Russian Federation as well.

Keywords: population ageing; medical and social aspects of ageing; healthy ageing; WHO strategy.


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