DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-3
Shalygina L.S.1,2
1Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and
Orthopedics named after. Ja. L. Tsyv'jan, Ministry of Health of the
Russian Federation
2Novosibirsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Contacts: Lada S. Shalygina, e-mail:
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Abstract. Significance. Improving quality and
availability of hi-tech care to population of the Russian Federation is
one of the current priorities of the health policy.
Until 2014, organization of hi-tech care delivery at the federal
level health care facilities was responsibility of the Federal level
health authorities.
On January, 1st, 2014, the List of high-tech services was
approved including 459 methods and fell under the jurisdiction of the
system of compulsory health insurance.
Federal level health care facilities participating in realization of
the regional programs of compulsory health insurance started to render
high-tech services using federal budget funds and funds of the system of
compulsory health insurance.
Purpose – to improve availability of hi-tech services
within the system of compulsory health insurance at the federal level
health care facilities, located within the territory of other subjects
on the basis of new organizational technologies.
Methods: statistical, monographic, direct observation, system approach, analysis and simulation.
Results: the study conducted suggested ways to address
the identified problems on the basis of new organizational technologies.
It is mentioned that if the developed and implemented system of hi-tech
care funding is in place there are still problems related to this
system organization within the framework of compulsory health insurance
at the federal level health care facilities located in other regions.
This situation requires some adjustment and update of the system.
Conclusion: to improve availability of hi-tech care
within the system of compulsory health insurance it is necessary to
finalize the standard referral procedure, including the following: to
develop a unified register of the federal level health care facilities
of the District, develop Waiting lists and centralize referrals of
patients through health authorities of the subjects of the Russian
Federation using electronic monitoring system of parties involved, to
organize field consultation visits of specialists of the federal level
health care facilities to regions to enroll patients for treatment. This
will help to improve availability of hi-tech services.
Scope of application: the study results can be used to develop administrative documents at the regional, district and federal levels.
Keywords: hi-tech medical care, federal health care facility, compulsory health insurance, health care, Siberian federal district.
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