DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-4
Vechorko V.I.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: Valery I. Vechorko, e-mail:
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Significance. Substantiation of worktime standards of
doctors and nursing staff, rational workforce planning and deployment
are one of the main tools to address problems of health care
modernization. Comprehensive and high-quality provision of primary
medical and primary specialized care to the majority of population at
the out-patient level of care delivery depends upon overall performance
of primary care providers.
Work purpose: to study distribution of working hours of
a primary care physician with a nurse at a Moscow policlinic on the
basis of a time study.
Methods: computation analysis, photo and time study, mathematical statistics, expert review.
Results. Primary care physician with a nurse spends 47.20 % of their working hours on handling documents.
Conclusion. The time study helped to revise workload of
the primary care physician with a nurse at the city polyclinic #180, to
identify actual resources for increasing time to manage the patient, as
well as to reduce time for handling documents and standardize doctors’
additional activities.
Scope of application. Possibility to calculate workload
standards, standard numbers of employees and other worktime standards
at health care facilities providing primary medical and primary
specialized care at the out-patient level of care delivery at a certain
health care facility.
Ключевые слова: фотохронометражное наблюдение; врач-терапевт участковый; первичная медико-санитарная помощь.
Keywords: photo and time study; primary care physician; primary care.
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