DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-59-1-8
Burtsev A.K., Uiba V.V., Stasevich N.Yu.
Institute of Advanced Training of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia
Contacts: Stasevich Natalya, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Stasevich N.Yu.,
Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Health education is an integral part of
any treatment and preventive measures. Health education programs should
focus on training patients in healthy lifestyles, clarify reasons of
their current diseases and early diagnosis of complications, improve
adherence to healthy behavior and treatment. Implementation of such
education programs by doctors in their clinical practice is called
patient health education.
The purpose: to work out principles to develop and
implement a regional model of palliative care for the elderly and senile
patients on the basis of the system view approach.
Methods. The study used methods of quantitative and
qualitative statistical analysis with calculation of reliability of the
obtained materials. Due to polymorbidity in the elderly and senile
patients the inclusion criteria comprised leading syndromes of chronic
progressive somatic and neuropsychiatric diseases and/or associated
conditions that determine severity of the clinical presentation and
future forecast, reliably confirmed by physical and instrumental
examinations. The exclusion criteria included cancer and blood diseases.
Results. Study of peculiar features of palliative care
delivery to the elderly and senile patients identified medical and
organizational patterns. Expert evaluation was conducted thorough the
analysis of each medical case and comparison of actually applied
technology with the modern international clinical guidelines and
regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health.
Expert evaluation analysis showed that frequency of encounters with
the attending doctor in polyclinic in all medical cases of palliative
care delivery (n=342) added up to 0.1±0,01. It positively correlated
with the expert group opinion that focus of the of palliative care
delivery is fully shifted to the place of care delivery r=0.76,
Analysis of the situation allowed to make proposals to optimize
medical services for the elderly and senile patients with chronic
diseases that are not cancers.
Summary. Private health education programs for internal
diseases were developed, tested and introduced into practice to improve
quality of life of the elderly patients. All programs are based on the
developed principles.
Keywords: education programs; elderly; non-cancer; rehabilitation.
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