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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Occurrence of revealed pathology and outcomes of pregnancy of women in Perm
Occurrence of revealed pathology and outcomes of pregnancy of women in Perm Print
Monday, 28 February 2011

N.V.Vartapetova1, Trushkov A.G. 2, Alekseev V.B.3
1 - Institute of Family Health, Moscow
2 - Center of obstetric and gynecological care at "Medlife" polyclinic , Perm
3 - Federal Research Centre of health preventive technologies in management of population health risks, Perm

The goal of the research is studying the occurrence of pathology revealed in pregnant women as well as a present day situation in child birth outcomes by an example of Perm territory. The retrospective analysis and the current supervision over 49477 women who were registered in women health clinics at various health care facilities of Perm for the period of 2002-2008 has been carried out. The results have shown a decrease in thyroid gland pathology ( 2.5 times), urinogenital diseases ( 1.6 times) in pregnant women. Also registered was a decrease in hypostases, proteinuria , hypertension disorders and blood circulation diseases ( 1.3 times each ), venous complications and anemia (1.1 times each) with simultaneous growth in eclampsia and preeclampsia ( 6.9 times) and diabetes ( 1.5 times). The total indicator of the general diagnosed pathology has decreased in all basic health care facilities in 2 times. The part of women who have finished their pregnancy by abortions has decreased in 1.4 times, including those in late terms – in 1.3 times. The results obtained testify to changes in medical and diagnostic process in women health clinics in Perm as well as indicate positive growth of demographic indicators.

Key words: child birth , pathology, pregnancy, complications, frequency.


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