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¹1 2011 (17)
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Date Item Title Author Hits
Monday, 28 February 2011 Public opinion concerning measures of the demographic policy aimed at health promotion and decrease in mortality Ivanova A.E., Fedotkina S.A., Yakovleva T.V. 24281
Monday, 28 February 2011 Influence of family and demographic status on public opinion about public health service Sinelnikov A.B. 26493
Monday, 28 February 2011 The first results of the program aimed at reducing cardiovascular mortality: pilot regions on the background of Russia Semyonova V.G., Evdokushkina G.N. 24573
Monday, 28 February 2011 Arterial hypertension and total cardiovascular risk in the population of Chouvash Republic Ilchenko I.N., Makarova N.V., Eruslanova R.I. 25000
Monday, 28 February 2011 Features of reference to a doctor in employable- age population with blood circulation diseases according the MHI data (by an example of Krasnoyarsk) Gaas E.N., Modestov A.A. 24419
Monday, 28 February 2011 Provisions for assessing the efficiency of health preventive measures using the data of statistical reporting Sabgayda T.P., Pavlov N.B. 24720
Monday, 28 February 2011 Comparison of the data on morbidity received by the method of poll with the objective data Podsvirova T.E. 23733
Monday, 28 February 2011 Occurrence of revealed pathology and outcomes of pregnancy of women in Perm Vartapetova N.V., Trushkov A.G., Alekseev V.B. 22105
Monday, 28 February 2011 Professional morbidity in Russia: regional variations and causes Gudinova Zh. V., Zhernakova G. N. 30764
Monday, 28 February 2011 Healthcare and demographic features and morbidity of rural population in Penza region Chizhikova T.V. 24244
Monday, 28 February 2011 Features of mortality rate in rural population of Republic of Bashkortostan Kudryavtsev A.A., Vorobyev V.M. 26916
Monday, 28 February 2011 Lifestyle of low-income rural families and their children’s morbidity Lebedev D.Yu. 26614
Monday, 28 February 2011 Concealed sense of alcohol behaviour Rybakova L.N. 27152
Tuesday, 01 March 2011 Some aspects of human health provision of federal state public health facilities Son I.M., Perkhov V.I., Kasaeva T.Ch., Belostotsky A.V. 25261
Tuesday, 01 March 2011 Role of human health resources in realization of the policy of medical care quality Popovich V.K., Shikina I.B., Turchiev A.G., Baklanova T.N 29179
Tuesday, 01 March 2011 Improvement of oncologic care in children with malignant tumors Skorobogatych Yu.S., Kudentsova G.V., Kiselev I.L. 22752
Tuesday, 01 March 2011 Efficiency of vaccine of Calmette and Guerin immunization in children born by HIV-infected mothers Nechaeva O.B., Skachkova E.I., Podymova A.S., Popkova G.G 27060
Tuesday, 01 March 2011 Necessity of implementing economic innovations in activity of health care facilities (by an example of dental health service) Safonova M.Yu. 25564
Tuesday, 01 March 2011 Analysis of Efficiency of innovative activity in healthcare Shein A.F. 26479
Tuesday, 01 March 2011 Legal safety in the case of unintentional causing harm to an injured person while providing pre-hospital aid Dezhurny L.I., Lysenko K.I., Zakurdaeva A.Yu. 27825
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