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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Professional morbidity in Russia: regional variations and causes
Professional morbidity in Russia: regional variations and causes Print
Monday, 28 February 2011

Gudinova Zh. V., Zhernakova G. N.
Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk

In the article, methodical features of social and hygienic monitoring of professional morbidity are formulated. The basic environment conditions influencing the growth in professional diseases in regions of the Russian Federation are marked.

Research has been carried out with using the methodology of social medical geography. Official statistics materials have been processed by using the methods of descriptive statistics, percentiles, correlation-regress and cluster analyses together with Wilcoxon criterion, and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results were considered as significant at ð <0.05.

Essential heterogeneity in territories of Russia has been determined concerning registered indicators of professional morbidity, the tendency of indicators growth in the Asian territories of the country with a reduction in professional morbidity in the Russian Federation as a whole in 1.4 times during the period examined.

The technique for assessing the quality of information on the basis of mortality rate indicators in employable population and working conditions is offered. 38 regions with unsatisfactory quality of the statistics are allocated, most in the Siberian territories, the North West and the Central Federal Districts.

The greatest number of interrelations between indicators of professional morbidity and the number of workers operating under conditions that do not satisfy to sanitary-and-hygienic requirements has been revealed in the industry ( rs = 0.4) including those caused by influence of a high noise level, ultrasound, infrasound (rs = 0.4) radiations, vibrations (rs = 0.3), increased dust content (rs = 0.4) and gassed conditions (rs = 0.3) in the working zone air, as well as high levels of unionizing (rs = 0.3) and ionizing radiations (r s = 0.2), and heavy physical work (rs = 0.3). Also proved is the influence on professional mortality besides working conditions ( contribution of 54 %), the social and economic situation as well ; that is proved by a direct dependence from the Gini coefficient and inverse dependence from the state expenses on housing and communal services ( contribution of 16 %) . The contribution of ecological factors to professional morbidity has made 10 %, health care provision – 19 %.

Results of the work are expedient for using in practice of social and hygienic monitoring. Application of the techniques offered will make it possible to predict a level of professional morbidity depending on environmental factors, to substantiate the directions of preventive programs, to allocate regions, in which the quality of medical examinations of the employable population should be improved.

Key words: professional morbidity; death rate of employable-age population; information quality; working conditions; environment; preventive measures; socio-hygienic monitoring.


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