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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow №1 2011 (17) arrow Healthcare and demographic features and morbidity of rural population in Penza region
Healthcare and demographic features and morbidity of rural population in Penza region Print
Monday, 28 February 2011

Chizhikova T.V.
Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow

The goal of the work is a study of healthcare and demographic situation in rural population of Penza region in dynamics for 5 years,

analysis of the level, structure and features of morbidity in rural population of Penza region, and the pilot rural municipal territory (МT) of the region compared to the Russian Federation.

As an information base of the research, the data of the statistical reporting of Penza region, health care facilities of rural municipal territories and Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation were used.

The analysis has shown that in Penza region the birth rate has increased from 8.6 up to 10.2 %, in rural МTs the birth rate has increased in 1.2 times and has made 10.4 % for the last 5 years (2004-2008). Stabilization in the mortality rate is registered, it has made 16.3 %; in rural МTs this indicator remains rather stable and has made 20.5 % that is considerable related to rural population ageing. The negative natural increase in the population in the region as a whole

( - 6.1 %) is registered. The main reasons of rural population mortality are: blood circulation diseases, accidents, traumas, poisonings, and oncological diseases. Alcoholic poisonings takes the significant place in the structure of mortality caused by accidents, poisonings and traumas.

The morbidity registered by population reference to doctor in Penza region has made 1601.4 per 1000 population (in the Russian Federation – 1661.0), in rural МTs – 1544.7 per 1000 population. For the first time, the morbidity revealed in Penza region has made 792.2 ‰ (in the Russian Federation – 771.7). In rural МTs, the first revealed morbidity has increased in 1.1 times and has made 817.4 % for 5 years, that is largely related to improvement in accessibility of medical care in rural territories and activity of preventive measures.

The morbidity registered by population reference to doctor in the pilot rural МT has made 1676.1 per 1000 population. The highest morbidity rate fall on respiratory diseases – 395.2 per 1000 population, blood circulation diseases – 257.5 %; osteo-muscular and connective tissue diseases – 160.0 %; eye and eye apparatus diseases – 122.9 %, etc. Morbidity rate registered by reference to doctor of adult population in the pilot rural МT has made 1566.2 per 1000 population, children's population – 2177.6 %. It is important to note that the structures of morbidity registered by patient’s reference to doctor and the first revealed morbidity in the pilot МT are only slightly different from those in rural МРs as a whole.

Key words: demography, morbidity, rural area, municipal territory.


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Comments (2)
1. 06-07-2011 14:50
Рабочая группа"Лаборатория по системам и экономическому анализу эффективности финансирования отечественного здравоохранения (ЛСЭАЭФЗ)-Центр ЭЭ" ( Международная академия инновационных технологий здравоохранения)приступила к разработке стандартов и критериев оценки экономической эффективности затрат на технологии здравоохранения(в т.числе , отдельно на медицинские технологии).Президиум МАИТЗ одобрил предварительные слушания Центра- ЭЭ МАИТЗ и план научно-практической деятельности ЛСЭАЭФЗ. 
Президиум МАИТЗ (исх №445 от 6 июля 2011г)
Written by А.И.Шепотько ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) (Guest)
2. 03-05-2011 14:24
Описанные проблемы организации оказания медицинской помощи в сельских районах 
очень важные.Ведущие ученые Центра Управления и экспертизы качества медицинской помощи "Международная академия инновационных технологий здравоохранения" г.Самара на основании квалиметрического анализа установили,что качество организации медицинской помощи в сельских районах существенно отличается от городских на 15%-20%.Это касается в основном социально-значимым заболеваний.Имеет место,как правило, повышенная заболеваемость и смертность среди мужского населения.
Written by А.И.Шепотько ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) (Guest)

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 10 May 2011 )
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