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¹6 2013 (34)
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Date Item Title Author Hits
Thursday, 26 December 2013 Problems of prostate cancer screening induced by comprehensive medical examination in the Russian Federation O.I. Apolikhin, M.I. Katibov, A.V. Sivkov, I.V. Chernishev, D.A. Roschin, I.A. Shaderkin, N.G. Moskaleva, G.D. Efremov, V.M. Kuraeva 24581
Thursday, 26 December 2013 International experience in selecting quality measures to rank healthcare organizations: lessons for Russia E.A. Tarasenko 27131
Thursday, 26 December 2013 Unified method of developing differentiated age-specific standard needs in volumes of inpatient medical care N.A. Kravchenko, V.B. Rozanov 22545
Thursday, 26 December 2013 Healthcare in the context of market economy. Demand, supply and market structures in healthcare A.R. Gabrielyan 25929
Thursday, 26 December 2013 Vocal apparatus disorders in population of the Russian Federation I.N. Ilchenko, O.V. Kazarina 19775
Thursday, 26 December 2013 Day hospital as a new approach towards organizing surgical care in policlinics in a large city E.Ya. Nemstsveridze, K.I. Kasapov, S.Kh. Bisekov 18419
Thursday, 26 December 2013 Selected problems of medical statistical reporting and ways forward Zaychenko N.M., Lebedev G.S. 18103
Thursday, 26 December 2013 Reproductive and demographic situation in the Udmurtian Republic - state, dynamics, trends N.N. Bushmelåva 22380
Thursday, 26 December 2013 Application of DALY index for the assessment of medico-demographic losses of Krasnoyarsk population due to mortality from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease I.P. Artuchov, A.V. Shulmin, E.A. Dobretsova, V.V. Kozlov, I.L. Arshukova 19586
Friday, 27 December 2013 Innovation technologies in the practice of children’s health centers Baranov A.A., Albitsky V.Yu, Yakovleva T.V., Modestov A.A., Kosova S.A., Terletskaya R.N., Zelinskaya D.I., Ivanova A.A., Nevolin Yu.S., Bondar V.I., Volkov I.M., Farrahov A.Z., Fedotkina S.A. 19863
Friday, 27 December 2013 Role and value of workshop to train specialists in working with online information resources to analyze and evaluate scientific work A.I. Vyalkov, S.A. Martynchik, E.A. Glukhova, V.A. Polesskiy, A.S. Bastron, V.G. Zaporozhchenko, E.L. Potyomkin, E.B. Marochkina, G.P. Marochkin 17696
Friday, 27 December 2013 Formation of competences of health care manager during additional professional training D.I. Kicha, A.V. Fomina, A.S. Makaryan, I.V. Pachgin, A.V. Ivanenko, V.E.Lugovoy 18110
Friday, 27 December 2013 Medical and cost-effectiveness of TB detection by fluorography using double reading of chest films S.A. Sterlikov, S.G. Rudnev, O.V. Obukhova 22596
Friday, 27 December 2013 Incidence of diabetes mellitus in population of Novosibirsk based on the regional diabetes registry O.V. Sazonova, M.A. Sadovoy, E.M. Trofimovich, E.A. Finchenko, L.S. Shalygina 22879
Friday, 27 December 2013 State policy on developing national pharmaceutical industry: analysis of strategic documents M.A. Flores 22152
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